Miscellaneous subcategory: Ice Packs
Results: 1-2 of 2
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Best Buy   -   Reusable Hot & Cold
4" X 6" Reusable Hot or Cold Pack. Can be used in place of an ice pack. Gel must be frozen to use as ice pack or heated to use as hot pack. Latex Free. 24 per box.

4" X 6" BOX/24
4" X 6" BOX/24
Sale Price
 Sale thru 2/28
 SKU: 70204
*Price per 24 per case
Best Buy   -   Reusable Ice Packs
5" x 7" Ice packs have insulation on one side of reusable pack. Reaches a safe, therapeutic temperature and sustains this temperature range for up to one hour. Simple squeeze of bag produces instant cold. 24 per case.

5"X7" BOX/24
5"X7" BOX/24
Sale Price
 Sale thru 2/28
 SKU: 20204
*Price per 24 per case
Page  1 

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